Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Picnic in Champs de Mars

Last Saturday, we went to Champs de Mars for a picnic cum photoshoot. We invited Ivana and Isabelle along for the picnic since they live just 10 mins walk away. My friend Okailly was the photographer for the day and my intention is to have some nice selection of photos to bring with me to Singapore. At the same time, I am trying to compile a series of photos from my wedding all the way to present time to be presented in a coffeetable book for my 5th wedding anniversary.

Well, the photos from Okailly is not yet ready since it is taken on traditional film (both colour and black/white) instead of digital. And on top of that, I forgot to bring my camera along as we were rushing on Saturday morning. BUT, I did take some photos with my handphone, so here you go.

Running free with her favourite baguette in her hands.
Playing with Isabelle's ball.
After a tiring few hours of running around, chasing after pigeons and playing with other children, she crashed for more than an hour in the stroller while Etienne and I slowly make our way to the Champs Elysee to do some shopping. When she finally woke up, she was ready to explore again.

Yes, I can imitate how my papa walks.
A very good imitation. :-) Then again, lots of people tell me that she looks like a carbon copy of her dad.

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