Tuesday, September 5, 2006

Apples for the first time.

Pureed apples of course!

After 4 days of potatoes with zucchini, today, I gave my "little put put" some pureed golden apples (Bledina Pommes Golden). I think she didn't like it too much. She refuses to open her mouth anymore after maybe the second spoon that I stuff into her mouth. After that, I tried mixing it with some cereals and the results were not better. Eventually I added some formula milk into the mix and she relented a little. I tasted the pureed apples and they were actually not bad. It was much tastier than the potatos with zucchini in my humble opinion but then I'm not the one eating.

Well, I will try again tomorrow. :-)

(It's tomorrow and she still does not like it! Check out these expressions!)

Mummy, what in the world are you feeding me?!?

Yucks! This is disgusting! I don't like it.

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