Sunday, May 14, 2006

Dedication of Laetitia to the Lord

As mentioned after last Sunday's post, we have decided to have a dedication ceremony for Laetitia in church. We want to dedicate our daughter to the Lord. We, Etienne and myself, pledge to raise her up in God's ways, to set ourselves as Christian examples for her and to release her into God's service if she is called to serve the Lord in ministry.

Laetitia is God's blessings to us and we have been trusting the Lord to love and protect her. To dedicate her to the Lord is but a natural step that we as parent want to take to commit to Jesus that we will bring Laetitia up to love and to honour Him. I believe one of the greatest gift we as parents can give to her is to bring into her awareness God's great love for her and for her to make her choice to be a child of God.

Us being asked if we would pledge to bring Laetitia up in God's way.

Laetitia being prayed over by Pastor John, Rebecca and the congregation.

The happy family after the ceremony.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice colors. Keep up the good work. thnx!